Tuesday, 24 December 2019

day five SLJ

Hi blogger, Today I will be posting about a changemaker and write about that changemaker. I chose kid president. Just in case you don't know him (you should but just in case) he is a kid that has a YouTube chanel that perswades people to chose the right option in any kind of situation. Link to kid president link to kid president. His real name is Robby and his job is to make people happy. I trully think that his work efects all people that have watched him.
If you could chose a changemaker who would you chose? Please comment below.
Blog you later
Image result for kid president"

1 comment:

  1. Ola Alan, I hope you’re having a lovely summer!

    Well done on completing the week one, day five bonus activity! Remember that in order to get all the points that are available, you need to do all the activities for each day, not just one.

    I didn’t know anything about Kid President before I read your post, so thanks for sharing that information, I learnt a lot! I went and watched his video ‘“How To Change The World (a work in progress)” and found it really funny and positive. How did you find out about Kid President? He is awesome!

    Next time you use images from the internet, make sure you attribute the image - this just means copy the link from where you found the image and put it next to the image on the post, so we can see exactly where you found it :)

    Here is a great example of image attribution (the little links under the images!) https://wisadrianah1.blogspot.com/2019/12/making-racket.html

    Thanks for posting, keep up the great mahi!
    Eliza :)


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