Friday, 24 April 2020

writing part 2

 I walked inside a store and grabbed as much food as possible,
the ching sound was still going. After about 10 minutes I realized
that I only had two things one for each hand. I had to find a storage…
a bag I thought. I rampaged and went crazy for a bag and soon I
found one. Ching! I grinned. This felt like stranger things. I decided
that I’d better sleep. I flew behind the counter, looked around before
I slept. 

When I woke up I was surrounded by these random people.


  1. Thanks for sharing Alan. I like the vocabulary you used. If you copy and paste from a doc try ctrl-shift-v then your sentences will fit on your blog.

  2. oh god that is scary pulse what is the story called because i Can make even more scary. That was good and scary i will might never read this again because how scary it is

  3. Kia ora Alan. I really like how you are adding onto your original story in parts which keep your reader hanging on. Another fantastic ending that is suspenseful and leaves the reader on the edge of their seat wanting more (a cliffhanger). You know how much I love a good cliffhanger from when I was reading the class the Explorer book and always left it where the class was shouting "don't stop!"


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